The Utthan Samiti organised a workshop on ‘Women Safety and Sexual Harassment’ was held at DDPS Govindpuram by Utthan Samiti with the help of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and SLAP presided by Satendra Singh, chairman of Utthan Samiti. Babita Singh also joined the workshop.
Sexual harassment involves a range of behaviours. Efforts have been made at both national and international levels. To make women aware of their fundamental rights the Utthan Samiti came up with this workshop.
The workshop held at DDPS school where girls from various other schools from all over the city were also encouraged to join. A letter of invitation was sent to various schools. We were very contented to see girls joining the workshop in massive bulk, said Mr Satendra Singh.
The workshop commenced with a speech by the principal of DDPS school where she shared various real-life stories of molestation, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and encouraged them to be attentive throughout the workshop as it will not only help you to keep yourself safe and protected all the time but will also boost your self-confidence.
Mr Satendra Singh as he belongs to legal background briefed about legal aspects.
Mr Satendra Singh said that Every employer, employing 10 or more employees, has to constitute an Internal Committee as stipulated by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (SHWW Act) and amongst four members, one of them will be a person familiar with the rules relating to sexual harassment of women at workplace.
Also, creating awareness and orientation of the members of the committee by the employers is a statutory requirement under section 19(c) of the SHWW Act. He informed, that as per norms following Sexual Harassment it is mandatory to form a Committee, which Includes One member from Management, Three / Two women member from workmen, One Woman member from an NGO.
Telling about the legal rights of Women Mr Satendra Singh said ‘Sexual harassment violates the women’s fundamental rights of gender equality and life with dignity under article 14 and article 21 respectively.
The law defines sexual harassment as physical contact and advances, or a demand or request for sexual favours, or making sexually coloured remarks, or showing pornography, or any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. Any of these acts whether direct or implied, constitute sexual harassment under the law.
Mr Satendra Singh also encouraged girls to speak up for their rights, get aware of their rights. There’s no gain in keeping silent and let people take advantage of you. Women are oppressed in most institutions and are subjected to violence, molestation, harassment and sexual assault, hence women are needed to be liberated, this will only be possible if they know about their rights.
Mriganka Dadwal taught self-defence techniques to the girls. Which included hammer strike, Groin kick, heel palm strike, elbow strike, bear bug attack and etc.
She portrayed a scene where she was being molested by a man and then she depicted all the techniques.
She also asked girls to volunteer and depict the techniques. Girls were very keen to try all the techniques.
Later Mriganka Dadwal told the audience about the importance of knowing these techniques where she said ‘Self-defence for women makes them aware, cautious and equipped in times of danger against these criminals. This can also mitigate the count of crimes against women. Self-defence today is crucial to all irrespective of gender as mob attacks and other scenarios have come into the picture. But still, women are more vulnerable.’
Later few girls presented their opinions of the workshop. Where they said the workshop has helped them in knowing their rights, the rights which they never read in their books. They also expressed their gratitude to Utthan Samiti and Mr Satendra Singh for organising the workshop. They also thanked Mriganka Dadwal for teaching the life-saving techniques.
The workshop was concluded by Seema Raj, Vice-principal of the school wherein her speech she addressed girls and said that this type of workshop is very important for our girls. She also appreciated the efforts of Mr Satendra Singh, in arranging the workshop and making it a feat.