A Round Table Conference was organized in India International Center New Delhi with China Delegation by Utthan India and CYL.
Mr Zhang Wei – Deputy Director (South Asian Affairs Division, Foreign Affairs Office of the People Government of Yunnan Province from China came to Delhi to exchange mutual trade, culture, and education in India. We also discussed environmental issues with him. He told me how they are combating the situation with better use of technology. We also discussed the exchange of technology. The Utthan Samiti conducted the event in collaboration with CYL. HimadrishSuwan Deputy Director Utthan Samiti successfully organized the event.
We also got a ten-member team from China, Mr. Sunil Shastri, the son of former Prime Minister of India Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri, to meet the former Minister of Government of India. On this occasion, Mr. SunipShastri, son of Mr. Sunil Shastri, was also present.
We welcome our beloved guest from China Mr Zhang Wei – Deputy Director (South Asian Affairs Division, Foreign Affairs Office of the suspected Government of Yunnan Province.
Mr. Guo yan
Mr. PuXianjiu
Ms. Wang fang
Ms. Li wenwen
Ms. Kong Yihua
Ms. Li hang
Mr. Hu yu
Ms. Zhao xi
And I hope to strengthen educational, cultural, and ideological relations among us. And cultural and trade exchanges between us will increase. And the slogan of Hindi ChiniBhaiBhai will be elevated. The most important thing is that we will work together to protect the environment. And will give zero carbon footprint to the society. Today, the biggest and most dangerous problem with terrorism is the contaminated environment. The amount of oxygen in the air chamber is going to be zero. But the cutting of trees continues unabated. It is essential to plant these trees, which are oxygen factories so that we can breathe clean air and the future of our children will be safe and golden.
We want to strengthen the cultural relations between us and exchange cultural activities. Only then will we be able to understand each other’s cultural aspects very well, which will improve our relationship.
India and China have been trying to outdo each other from a long-term strategic, economic, and diplomatic point of view and are mulling over their domination in Asia. The importance of the new initiative of India-China relations in the transition period going on in todays politics is essential not only for the interests of both countries but also for the benefits of developing countries of the third world.