This website collects and stores information when you visit, through cookies*.
The information collected includes:
- Name of the domain from which you entered the Internet (for example, ‘’ if you use a private Internet access account, or ‘’ if you connect from a UK educational domain).
- IP address of the user.
- Date and time you accessed our site.
- Pages you visited.
This information is collected in aggregate form and is anonymous. The data helps us in future website development and allows us to understand how visitors use the site.
Any information submitted to us through an online response form on the site will be used by utthanindia staff to respond to your query. We never release personal details to any company, organisation or individual without your prior consent, except as required by law or similar circumstances. However, as with any internet transmission that is not encrypted, the risk of disclosure to unintended third parties does exist.
*A cookie is an alphanumeric text file that is sent from a website and stored on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser. Cookies allow a website to remember who you are, so that when you visit again it recognises you as a visitor and can help you with personalised information while filling out forms or signing in. Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. To do this, look at the help menu on your browser.